Our Chief Academic Officer Cohort brings academic leaders together to learn alongside trusted colleagues in similar roles. Through the cohort, cohort members sharpen their vision, build their skills, exchange resources, problem solve, build relationships, and feel more fulfilled in their roles.
This cohort brings together Chief Academic Officers from high performing charter school networks, working to solve problems and and support each other through the year. Cohort participants share a desire to create more equitable opportunities for all children.
Topics are responsive to the needs of the group, including a cycle of reviewing student achievement data, discussing remediation strategies, and problem-solving specific challenges.
2024-2025 Cohort Members
Ami Rudd
Chief Learning Officer, Breakthrough Public Schools
Darren Grey
Academic Leadership & DEI,
Excel Academy Charter Schools
Natasia Cooper
Chief Academic Officer,
Foundation Academies
Lanira Murphy
Senior Director of Academics,
Efrat Kussell
Chief Academic Officer,
Explore Schools
Melissa Duphiney
Chief Academic Officer,
Unity Prep
2023-2024 CAO Cohort
Kate Finley,
DC International School
Nora French,
Urban Community School
Brittney Jean-Louis, Etoile Academy Charter School
Cassie Pergament, DC Prep Charter Schools
Katelyn McGrath, Mastery Charter Schools
Lex Zain,
Leaders In Our Neighborhood (LION) Charter School
2022-2023 CAO Cohort
Dr. Saskia Brown, Harlem Children’s Zone Promise Academy
Dr. Megan Frankiewicz, Vista College Prep
Ben Johnson,
Ingenuity Prep
Jeremy Jones,
Eagle College Prep
Crystal Lane,
Nate Lowry,
Academies of Math and Science
2021-2022 CAO Cohort
Andrew McRae, Breakthrough Schools
Anjya Thomas, Ascend Learning
Emily Fernandez,
Hebrew Public Schools
Jonathan McIntosh,
Prospect Schools
Katie Severn,
DC Prep
Leah Peters,
KIPP Colorado
Meet Our Facilitators
Erica Murphy
Hendy Avenue Consultant
Erica joined Hendy Avenue Consulting because she believes that effective teacher development programs and high quality observation and feedback cycles are essential to supporting and growing our nation’s teachers.
Jonathan McIntosh
Former Chief Academic Officer, Prospect Schools
Jonathan is the Investment Principal, School Quality at Equitable Facilities Fund. Before this role, Jonathan served as the Chief Academic and Schools Officer for Prospect Schools and was a member of Hendy's CAO Cohort.
If you...
are committed to the success of all participating networks
value partnerships with other CAOs
are grounded in a vision of racial equity and a champion for anti-racist schools
consider yourself a flexible thinker with an eagerness to learn from others
exhibit willingness to push others and to be pushed
believe in sharing best practices and resources for the good of all members
...you are a good candidate for Hendy Avenue's CAO Cohort!
Apply or Submit a Nomination
We are looking for Chief Academic Officers (or equivalent role) from high performing charter school networks across the country; responsible for setting the academic vision, goals, and strategy for all schools across the network and managing a central team to implement that vision. Our cohort members are also typically responsible for principal management.
May - June
Download the application document, respond to each question, and email your completed application to sarahrosskamm@hendyavenue.org.
Download the ApplicationJuly
The Hendy Avenue team with review all applications and make selections during the month of July. Candidates will be notified of their acceptance via email.
Selected cohort members will attend their first session with Hendy Avenue in the month of September. We are excited to work with you!
If you encounter questions during either you application or nomination process, please reach out! You can email sarahrosskamm@hendyavenue.org with your inquiries.
Please complete the form below to nominate another leader to the cohort. We will reach out to nominees with more information about how to apply. You can use this form for up to five nominations. You can submit nominations at any time.